Saturday, March 24, 2007

Literature Search 3/5/2007

During the last elluminate session, I presented the “What I Plan to Study”. Some points I made during the presentation included my concern for quality conversations between the IC and NE and how having a new support staff or members of the induction team has a direct impact on how the induction plan is followed and carried out with fidelity. I also explained that because the new team was not a part of creating the induction plan that perhaps the induction team does not necessarily have the “Buy in” to the program. The conversation escalated between all participants that perhaps on the larger scale, this was more of a “school culture” issue and that we as a school may need to revisit the concept of creating a “shared vision”.
Information Learned: Induction team to include principal, AP, mentors, support staff. Team to develop criteria for choosing an Instructional Coach. (This is actually something different than what we had done in the past and the criteria is an excellent idea that can be developed with all members of the induction team and including the new educators. One of the thoughts that I had was for the new educators to create a sort of wish list as a description for their instructional coach. Team to develop a list of responsibilities for all parties. (This is also something that is different than what we had done in the past. Before I provided a handout that I was given several years back that bulleted the responsibilities of each role. I think by having the “Team” identify the responsibilities of each role, that there may be more “buy in” and the members of the team may actually follow through with expectations for their position). The IP that we create, should be evaluated at the end of each school year and revised before the following year or at the start of the new year depending on the turn over of teachers. (Great idea!!!).

I also found an article in Educational Leadership (ASCD) that was called Producing an Induction Plan. The article suggested that regardless of the plan and it’s depth that it included an overview or an “at a glance” calendar of events with the most pertinent information.

The article also pointed out that by having this “At a Glance” chart, we will increase the likelihood that each good idea or planned event will actually occur and that everyone knows the expectation ahead of time. By writing in the actual date of completion we are showing that there is follow-through and that we didn’t just have good intentions but we set out to complete what we actually plan.

There was also an article on line, I am not exactly sure of the resource, but this article actually referred to the importance of “Informal Induction”. Often in induction programs we focus on the large scale events (report cards, overall classroom management, meeting deadlines, planning, 6 domains) but that it is also important to focus on the little things that may eventually directly impact the big picture such as attitude, professionalism, parent/teacher conferences, filling in lesson plans, etc. It stressed that it was all about the attitude.

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