Sunday, April 8, 2007

Data Collection

To be quite honest, I am still in the data collection phase of my action research, but I am moving forward. After reviewing the last Elluminate session, reading through Richard Sagor’s Chapters for collecting and analyzing data, and reviewing the notes from my blog, I feel as if I have a better sense of the direction in which I am headed.

I am still using the following action research question to guide my data collection, but I do understand now why Randy and Amy have said my question will continue to change. Question - What coaching plan supports what teachers need most to be fully qualified and satisfied in the classroom?

In the last Elluminate session, Randy stressed the importance of triangulation: looking at my action research from all angles and collecting multiple sources of data. Therefore I am collecting the following:

1) Mentor Logs – All of the ICs and NEs were asked to keep mentor logs throughout the school year. These logs are meant to document each meeting the IC has with the NE and indicate the topic of discussion as well as whether or not any follow-up was needed.
• This will give me an idea as to the frequency of meetings held and whether or not the topics discussed truly matched the needs of the teacher.

2) Benchmark Assessment Results – All of our classroom teachers gave pre and post benchmark assessments to the students in their class throughout the school year. This information was charted by benchmark and shared with teachers.
• This will give me an idea as to the effectiveness of the classroom teacher and the instruction she/he provides.

3) # of Disciplinary Referrals/Types of Referrals
• This will give me another ideas as to the effectiveness of the classroom teacher. If there are high number of referrals, the teacher may need more assistance in this area of behavior management. It is important for me to look at the types of referrals and the degree to which the referral was written to see if the behavior plan is being followed.

4) Classroom Observations – Each of our ICs were asked to complete two observations on their NE within the first two/three weeks of school and to use this information to guide the initial conversations and assistance that would be provided. I have asked all of the ICs to complete another observation using the same two forms to collect post data.
• This documentation can be used in a few ways – First, I will look to see if there is a change between the two observations. I will also look to see if the needs of the NE match the topics discussed on the mentor logs.

5) Interview Instructional Coach – Purpose of the interview was to gather the opinions each of the IC had as to the types of coaching they felt they “should” provide the new educator versus the type of coaching they “actually” provided. Time played a large part in the responses shared by all involved. All of the ICs wanted to spend more time with their NE than they actually have but due to schedules, time, etc. – sometimes meeting was difficult. All of the IC agreed their coaching was more reactive and based on events that had already occurred. For example – teacher didn’t leave sub plans behind on a day she was absent, nor had an emergency sub folder on file. Therefore the IC met with NE the following day to discuss the procedures for absences.

I feel as if I have a wealth of data to support my action research. Considering the reliability and validity of the data I have collected, I have tried to include “hard data” such as test scores and referral documentation. I am also working on a survey to give to my new educators next week. This survey will provide the data from the NE point of view as to the effectiveness of support provided and determine whether or not the NE feels the support was appropriate or could be improved.

This is a work in progress and I would appreciate any feedback given.

1 comment:

Randee Deich said...

I appreciate your effort in decoding all that you have learned by taking advantage of the Elluminate sessions, reading Sagor’s book and reflecting on your work. I am looking forward to your progress with your study.

“I am still using the following action research question to guide my data collection, but I do understand now why Randy and Amy have said my question will continue to change.”

What has contributed to the changes of your action research question?

Our next collaborative session will address the connections to your data and your AR question. Have you started to see patterns with the data collected from your Mentor Logs, Benchmark Assessment Results, Number of Disciplinary Referrals/Types of Referrals, Classroom Observations, Instructional Coach Interview and New Educator survey?